How A Lack Of Oxygen Could Be Killing You & What To
Do About It!
As we are all aware our bodies are “oxygen starved” from environmental
pollutants, including the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we
drink. In today’s environment we receive only about HALF OF THE
OXYGEN that our bodies are designed to run in order to experience
dynamic health.
By living in oxygen deficient environment and not feeding our cells the
proper amount if oxygen and nutrients needed for cleaning out toxins and
wastes, our body fluids and intestinal tract can become dirty and extremely
What is the NET RESULT? Without enough oxygen, our bodies do not have
the ability to rebuild themselves and strengthen our immune system. Lack
of oxygen leaves the body wide open to deadly harmful free radicals,
environmental toxins, infections, bacteria, parasites, harmful microbes and
The combination of these negative effects results in a lack of oxygen
throughout our body, which can easily result in premature degeneration of
our vital organs and allow numerous diseases to enter our body. In order to
ensure proper oxygenation we must go further than simply breathing.
Diseases and degeneration can be prevented through proper oxygenation
of the tissues and organs. Furthermore many diseases can be prevented,
relieved or slowed down by re-establishing the delivery of oxygen to
affected areas.
Here are just a few areas of concern that you may not be aware of where a
lack of oxygen could be killing you.
1. OXYGEN & Stress
Oxygen is a major player in the game called life. And being such, it is no
wonder that scientists are now discovering the fact that low levels of
oxygen in the human body can ruthlessly disrupt the body's ability to
function correctly. This disruption can severely cripple the immune system,
open the floodgates of illness and disease and even bring on premature
As reported in the Townsend Letter for Doctors, "If deficiencies of less vital
elements such as vitamins, minerals and enzymes can rob the human body
of its health and vitality, how much more damage must result from a
deficiency of oxygen, the element universally acknowledged to be the most
vital to life?”
Both physical and emotional stress robs the body of huge amounts of its
much needed oxygen. Any form of stress can cause an oxygen deficiency.
Stress due to chemical toxicity leads to a reduction in oxygen as the body
attempts to detoxify itself by oxidizing accumulated toxins.
Emotional stress produces adrenaline and adrenaline-related hormones,
requiring the body to draw down its oxygen reserves for their production
and eventual oxidation. Silent internal infections also deplete the body of
oxygen which it uses to combat bacteria. Even the stress of a chronically
heavy workload will deplete the body of much needed oxygen. “In short,
oxygen deficiency will result from any Excessive Stress, whatever the
2. OXYGEN & Disease Prevention
Diseases and degeneration can be prevented through proper oxygenation
of the tissues and organs. Furthermore many diseases can be prevented,
relieved or slowed down by re-establishing the delivery of oxygen to
affected areas.
In today's world it is no longer sufficient to simply breathe to ensure proper
oxygenation. Our bodies are constantly bombarded with toxins in our air,
water, and food. In the city, oxygen levels in the air we breathe are
declining. The combination of these effects results in a lack of oxygen in
the body, which could result in a combination of various diseases.
A lack of Oxygen in our cells weakens our immune system, which leads to
viral infections, damaged cells, growths, inflamed joins, serious heart and
circulatory problems, toxic buildup in blood and premature aging.
Low oxygen allows damaged cells to multiply and form growths in our
bodies because our cells are oxygen deficient. If the cells in our bodies are
rich in oxygen, mutated harmful cells are less able to reproduce.
3. OXYGEN & Fermentation ---Acid Accumulation
When there is insufficient oxygen to support the health of a cell, the cell
turns to another source of energy called fermentation. This fermentation
results in an environment which upsets the metabolism of the cell and it no
longer participates in the healthy functioning of the body. It causes the cell
to start manufacturing improper chemicals, and soon a whole group of
cells are unhealthy and weak. They lose their natural power to protect the
immune system.
Moreover, researchers have discovered that a chronically acidic system
(practically a "given" for most people in today's toxic society ) also causes
the body to draw down its precious oxygen reserves. Doctors believe this
often leads to a vicious cycle of toxin accumulation and oxygen depletion
which eventually results in serious illness and disease.
Here's why: One way in which the body combats excess acidity is by trying
to neutralize it with oxygen. To do so, it must continually divert oxygen
away from its primary metabolic functions and direct it to the acidic cells
and acidic tissues throughout the body, instead.
In essence this leaves the body's metabolism functioning constantly in
"low gear", which in turn reduces the body's ability to dispose of excess
wastes and toxins.
This results in a growing "backlog" of poisons needing to be eliminated
from the body. Sensing the growing accumulation of poisons, the body
then begins to oxidize them, once again, diverting even more oxygen from
primary metabolic functions to the toxins accumulating throughout the
body's fluids, cells and tissues.
This even further slows the body's metabolism, resulting in a never-ending
repetition of the above cycle. Finally, fatigue, chronic illness and disease
take hold as the metabolism goes into a nosedive due to the "triple
whammy" of excess acidity, toxic overload and oxygen starvation.
4. OXYGEN & Immune Protection
When oxygen falls to extremely low levels for too long, the body may
become the breeding ground for harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and other
infectious agents. Most of them are anaerobic, meaning they cannot live in
an oxygen-rich environment.
If the oxygen content of your body is normal, then most infectious
microorganisms simply cannot multiply. The high oxygen content of your
body destroys them along with their disease-causing by-products.
Sufficient oxygen helps the body have the ability to rebuild itself and
maintain its immune system.
5. Oxygen & Energy
When you supply your cells with a generous flow of oxygen, every cell
becomes more active and energized, thus giving you more energy! With a
steady supply of oxygen your muscles, tendons and joints function more
smoothly. Your skin becomes firmer and more resilient radiating energy
from every pore. Your over all sense of well-being will be fueled by strong
positive energy!
Oxygen stimulates your brain cells and promotes new brain cell growth.
Scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in LaJolla, CA, now
know that adults do generate new brain cells in the hippocampus, an area
in the brain which is responsible for learning and memory.
Oxygen helps the brain become more alert with greater concentration,
improved logic and intelligence. Your nervous system functions better.
You can easily take the stresses and pressures of daily living. Your
emotions come under your control. You enjoy a new level positive energy
without the traditional “jitters” and “up’s and downs”.
Oxidation occurs at the cellular level of the body. It is part of that vital and
complex process by which the body chemically converts nutrients into
energy, and by which the body rids itself of toxins and other harmful
Without a steady supply of oxygen (i.e., via oxygenation), oxidation cannot
take place. And without oxidation, your energy decreases as your
metabolism slows down.
As Dr. Norman McVea explains, "More than anything else, good health and
well-being is dependent on the maximum production, maintenance and
flow of energy, which is produced by oxygen”.
Oxidation is the key to proper metabolic function, correct circulation,
assimilation, digestion and elimination. It helps purify the blood, keeping it
free from cellular waste build-up, thus giving us dynamic energy to enjoy
life to the fullest.
In today’s environment we receive only about half of the oxygen that our
bodies are designed to run on in order to experience maximum energy and
dynamic health. By living in an oxygen-deficient environment and not
feeding our cells the proper oxygen and nutrients needed for cleaning out
toxins and wastes, our body fluids and blood can become dirty and toxic,
thus diminishing our “life force energy”.
SOLUTION? What Can You Do To Restore A Healthy
Balance Of Oxygen In Cells, Blood and Throughout your
Here are a few steps you can take to restore a healthy balance of oxygen
throughout your entire system.
Do more aerobic exercise (where you repeatedly move large muscles
in your arms, legs and hips) such as walking or bicycling. When
you’re aerobically fit, your body is more efficient at taking in and
using oxygen, which can help you live longer and healthier.
Eat food-based antioxidants, such as dark-colored berries. They
convert toxic free radicals in your body into harmless elements. If
left unchecked, free radicals will attach themselves to oxygen
molecules which are supposed to be providing the cells with energy,
and instead damage them.
Eat plenty of green, leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, Swiss
chard, and mustard greens. They are good supply of Vitamin E
which is one of the antioxidants that attacks free radicals.
Take oxygen-enhancing products, such as Oxygen Elements Max
which supplies the body’s cells with a steady diet of free oxygen,
hydrogen, full spectrum minerals, amino acids and enzymes.
Doctors and Researchers Throughout The World
Recommend To Saturate Your Cells With Oxygen
“All chronic pain, suffering and disease are caused by a lack of Oxygen at
the cell level”. Dr. Arthur C. Guyton, author “The Text Book On Medical
“Insufficient Oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in
any thing from mild fatigue to life-threatening disease. The link between
insufficient Oxygen and disease has now been firmly established.” W.
Spencer Way (Journal Of The American Association Of Physicians)
These are just a few quotes from literally hundreds of doctors, naturopaths,
certified nutritionist, scientist and biologists who all agree with the simple
yet profound and often over-looked fact that OXYGEN IS THE ESSENCE OF
ALL LIFE! It is a proven biological and scientific fact that no bacteria,
fungus, pathogen, virus or germ can live in the presence of oxygen. The
question then becomes, “HOW CAN WE SATURATE OUR BLOOD AND
CELLS WITH OXYGEN?” First and foremost we must find a way to create
oxygen within our bodies to attack, destroy and safely carry out the toxic
Welcome To SYNERGY 02 “The Breathe Of Life”
SYNERGY 02 is completely unique in that it is a major scientific
breakthrough that has a proven track record of actually giving the body
some of the internal oxygen it needs to boost the oxidation process into
high gear, and keep it there!
SYNERGY 02 is a fast-acting product that has been developed with a
special ionic suspension that allows it to be completely absorbed into the
SYNERGY 02’s revolutionary delivery system ensures that nutrients are
absorbed at the cellular level where you need them most to assist in
fighting off attacks on your entire system. The elements in Oxygen
Elements Max are immediately available to repair damaged cells and
transport toxic waste out of the body.
SYNERGY 02 through its patented process synergistically combines
oxygen, hydrogen, minerals and enzymes that work together so that all the
nutrients you ingest will be highly absorbed by your cells.
SYNERGY 02 has a patented process that uses our internal body water as
the generating source of oxygen, and enhances the release of this oxygen
to be time-released over and over from inside the human body for up to 12
SYNERGY 02 helps your breathing by rejuvenating dry, oxygen-hungry
cells in your body. After a few drops of Synergy 02, you can actually see
dry, shriveled cells, that are closing down – OPEN BACK UP and become
more supple! Over time, this obviously gives you a more hydrated
respiratory system that will be better equipped to “fight off” attacks on
your immune system.
SYNERGY 02 is a powerful free radical scavenger-which means it helps get
rid of any toxins in your body and allows for rejuvenation of a more
energized and oxygenated body. After taking a few drops, within an hour,
you can see by the digital read-out on an oximeter that your level of oxygen
is increased and your cells are immediately benefiting.
SYNERGY 02 has no known negative side effects and is non-toxic.
Simply add a few drops from a convenient, portable and
easy-to-use, 1 ounce bottle to eight ounces of purified
water or juice and take with or after meals. We recommend
you test your level of toxicity by using 3-5 drops of Synergy
02 once a day for 2-5 days. Gradually increase the product
usage over a week or two until you are taking 8 drops three times a day.
Thousands of satisfied customers are enjoying the many benefits of
PROPER OXYGENATION everyday. Thousands have successfully
addressed health challenges that previously plagued them for years. Health
Care Professionals throughout the world have recommended and continue
to recommend Synergy 02 to their patients to enhance their overall health
and enhance their quality of life.
Protect Your Energy and Get Relief With The Supercharged Ingredients In
Synergy O2 , To buy yourself a healthier tomorrow http://ashleyestrada.mysynergyo2.com/Default.aspx
Liquid oxygen, discovered recently and love it Synergy O2 way better than any energy drink
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
What is Synergy O2
Oxygen; The Breath of Life
It's common sense that we need Oxygen to live. Something that is not common knowledge however, is that the Oxygen we breathe in day to day is simply not enough. Along with the good Oxygen that we breathe in everyday, we are also breathing in polluted air. We drink water and other liquids that are contaminated with hazardous waste and chemicals that are detrimental to us. And we eat foods that are depleted of minerals and contain excess fat content. All of this takes a toll on our bodies and loads our bodies with more toxins and acid waste, which slows down our metabolism and weakens our immune system.
What if there was a product that could protect us from all of these harmful toxins and pollutants? We need something that can constantly clean harmful toxins and waste from our bodies, restore cellular damage, and strengthen our immune systems. Oxygen can do all that, but it's not like they can bottle it and sell it right? Wrong! It sounded crazy to wish this product could exist, until I heard about SynergyO2. SyngeryO2 is a miracle product. It's liquid Oxygen in a little 1 ounce bottle. All I have to do is add a few drops to anything I'm drinking a couple of times a day, sit back, relax, and feel the amazing results. The best way to describe the feelings is just an all around good, cleansed, and relaxed feeling, with the perfect amount of spunk in your step. I love this product and am so glad I found something like it. heres the link if you want to know where to buy some I highly recommend it. :P http://ashleyestrada.mysynergyo2.com/Default.aspx
It's common sense that we need Oxygen to live. Something that is not common knowledge however, is that the Oxygen we breathe in day to day is simply not enough. Along with the good Oxygen that we breathe in everyday, we are also breathing in polluted air. We drink water and other liquids that are contaminated with hazardous waste and chemicals that are detrimental to us. And we eat foods that are depleted of minerals and contain excess fat content. All of this takes a toll on our bodies and loads our bodies with more toxins and acid waste, which slows down our metabolism and weakens our immune system.
What if there was a product that could protect us from all of these harmful toxins and pollutants? We need something that can constantly clean harmful toxins and waste from our bodies, restore cellular damage, and strengthen our immune systems. Oxygen can do all that, but it's not like they can bottle it and sell it right? Wrong! It sounded crazy to wish this product could exist, until I heard about SynergyO2. SyngeryO2 is a miracle product. It's liquid Oxygen in a little 1 ounce bottle. All I have to do is add a few drops to anything I'm drinking a couple of times a day, sit back, relax, and feel the amazing results. The best way to describe the feelings is just an all around good, cleansed, and relaxed feeling, with the perfect amount of spunk in your step. I love this product and am so glad I found something like it. heres the link if you want to know where to buy some I highly recommend it. :P http://ashleyestrada.mysynergyo2.com/Default.aspx
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